I hope everyone had a good holiday. It has been a fun and busy week around here so I thought I would share a bit of our week.
Last Friday we played with our chocolate fountain. The kids had a good time dipping cookies, marshmellows, pretzels, and even a few vegetables (Yuck!).

Apparently chocolate covered radishes don't taste very good!

Last Sunday I caught another cold and wasn't feeling well. The kids decided to entertain me with their tricks, lol! This is Mindi and her balancing act.

Even our cats got into the spirit of things. This is Cody in his Santa costume. Both cats put them on willingly (surprise, surprise), but Stormy wouldn't sit still while wearing his.

This is Jordan hard at work wrapping the gift she bought for Dad at the school gift shop. They love buying and wrapping presents for everyone, but with four kids it takes forever helping them get everything wrapped.

We spent the day before christmas baking lots of goodies. Lisa was a great helper.

All the kids wanted to take turns pouring ingredients into the mixer.

We also made Truffles. This was Mindi's favorite part. Yum! Yum!

Thomas opening one of his gifts on Christmas morning. He was one happy boy!

Lisa was pretty happy with her gifts, too.

Yesterday we decided to play outside in the snow after lunch. It got up to 54 degrees and most of the snow melted by late afternoon. Our timing was great- there was still plenty of snow to play in and the temperature was perfect. Mindi and the others wore their gloves, scarves, and jackets.

It feels like Spring, Mom!

The kids built a small snow fort with chunks of hard snow they dug up.

This my youngest sister Alice with me. She is the youngest and I am the oldest of the 8 kids in our family. She was born 2 months before my 18th birthday (her b-day is November 8th and mine is January 8th). It's hard to believe she is all grown up now!

Well this post is getting pretty long so I will end it here. Have a great weekend!
Looks like you had a great Christmas! You have gorgeous kids and love all the pictures of them helping! Sorry you were sick and hope you're feeling better.
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