I had a great birthday today. I went to lunch with my sister and husband and then we did a little shopping at Target. We found a Fly Fusion pen on clearance for a great price. Thomas has really been wanting one of these. We also found these carpet skates- I had no idea they made such things. These were definately the highlight of our day. The kids just loved them and couldn't wait for their turn. I even managed to sneak in a couple of turns and must admit it was fun.

Jordan is at her dance class right now (hubby took her and gave me the night off-yeah) and they are bringing me Chinese for dinner afterwards. My husband has the next 4 days off work and I am looking forward to spending more fun time with the family. Couldn't have asked for a better birthday!
Does the Fly Fuson work? I really wanted one, but now you cannot find them any where unless on clearance. I guess I need to check Target again.
Happy Birthday! Carpet skates...what will they think of next! lol!
Happy birthday!! And those Carpet skates look like fun!
Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a good day! I've never seen carpet skates, either. They sound fun!
Was your Bday the 7th? That's mine...anyway Happy Birthday! Those carpet skaters look really cool I am going to have to check those out.
Happy birthday. Glad it was a good one!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Though I wish there was a pic or 2 of you on the slides. ;)
I've never heard of carpet skates.. What will they think of next...
Happy birthday! Interesting gadgets! You'll have to take pictures of them in action!
Happy birthday!
I saw a commercial about those carpet skates on TV today and thought OK what will be next
What is a fly fusion pen? I relaly have no idea. Those carpet skates are a great idea!
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